Deleting Files, Folders, and Pages

Pages, files, and folders in the Authoring Directory can be deleted via the Content Manager.

To delete files, folders, and pages

  1. Access the Content Manager. See Content Manager Overview for more information.

  2. Select a file, folder, or page in the left or right pane of the Content Manager. Note that your selection in the right pane takes precedence over any selection in the left pane.

  3. Click the Delete button. A pop-up window appears and asks you to confirm that you wish to delete the selected item.

Note: Deleting a folder deletes all the contents of that folder. Any page that uses the items included will not display properly after it is deleted.

Tip: You can also right-click any file, folder, or page in the right or left pane and select Delete from the contextual menu.

4. Click OK. The item is deleted.

Soft Delete vs. Permanent Delete

When viewing the Content Manager via the Course Builder, deleting a file, folder, or page removes it from the Content Manager so that it is no longer visible. However, deleting items while in Course Builder is considered a “soft delete” – the items are removed from view, but are moved to a hidden Recycle Bin folder located within the parent folder.

Files, folders, and pages can be deleted permanently by completing the process above for the items in the Recycle Bin. Recycle Bin items can only be viewed by accessing the Content Manager through the Manage Authored Content link.

Restoring Files or Folders After a Soft Delete

If a file or folder is accidentally deleted from a content folder, or if you determine after deleting an item that you’d like to restore it, you can do so by retrieving it from the Recycle Bin.

  1. Click Manage Authored Content from the Courses tab.

  2. Within the Content Manager, navigate to the folder that contained the assets you deleted.

  3. Open the Recycle Bin folder that appears within that folder.

Note: The Recycle Bin folder will only appear once files have been deleted from that parent folder using the soft delete process, and only when viewing that folder via the Manage Authored Content link.

  1. Select the files, folders, or pages within the Recycle Bin in the right pane of the Content Manager. You may select multiple items by holding Shift or Ctrl while clicking.

  2. Right-click the selected item(s) and select Copy from menu.

  3. Navigate to the location to which you’d like to restore the items.

  4. Right-click within the folder and select Paste from the menu. The items are pasted into the folder.

Note: Since the items were copied, duplicates of each copied item will remain in the Recycle Bin. In order to keep your Authoring Directory organized, you should navigate back to the Recycle Bin and permanently delete those files. Use the process below to permanently delete files from the Recycle Bin.

Permanently Deleting Files

It is your responsibility to remove items periodically from your Recycle Bin(s). To permanently delete files, folders, and pages from the Recycle Bin:

  1. Click Manage Authored Content from the Courses tab.

  2. Within the Content Manager, navigate to the folder that contains the assets you wish to delete permanently. If you haven’t yet performed a soft delete of the files, follow steps 2 through 4 of Deleting Files, Folders, and Pages above.

  3. Open the Recycle Bin folder that appears within that folder.

Note: The Recycle Bin folder will only appear once files have been deleted from that parent folder using the soft delete process, and only when viewing that folder via the Manage Authored Content link.

  1. Select the files, folders, or pages within the Recycle Bin. You may select multiple items by holding Shift or Ctrl while clicking.

  2. Click the Delete button. A pop-up window appears and asks you to confirm that you wish to delete the selected item.

Note: Deleting a folder deletes all the contents of that folder. Any page that uses the items included will not display properly after it is deleted.

Note: You can also right-click any file, folder, or page in the right or left pane and select Delete from the contextual menu.

6. Click OK. The item is deleted. The item cannot be restored once deleted from the Recycle Bin.

Note: It is acceptable to select and delete the Recycle Bin folder. Doing so will delete any items within the Recycle Bin folder, and the folder itself will disappear. A new Recycle Bin folder is created upon the next soft delete of items from the parent folder.