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Clinical Placement for the Future of Healthcare – A Discussion with Common Spirit MT Region and UW Health

Published: August 9th, 2024
Published: August 9th, 2024

Building a competent, compliant workforce has never been more essential in healthcare. It is critical to have the right support, but where should that support come from and how should healthcare leaders begin?

Caroline Acree, HealthStream’s Senior Product Marketing Manager for Clinical Development moderated a webinar discussion with healthcare leaders about how to launch, educate, and manage students throughout their clinical education process. The webinar featured presenters:

    • Shanti Gangadharan, Associate Vice President, Product Management, HealthStream
    • Sylvia Robertson, MSN, RN, House-Wide Nurse Educator, CommonSpirit MT Region
    • Jennifer Hendricks, Program Director, APP Programs, UW Health
    • Kristen Panther, Program Manager, APP Professional Development and Education, UW Health

    Optimizing the Journey to Expert Clinician

    The journey to expert clinician or nurse manager is a long one and can be complex, but it does not have to be difficult to manage. HealthStream can help healthcare organizations seamlessly deliver everything from Basic Life Support education to skills validation and preceptor and nurse manager training. myClinicalExchange can help healthcare organizations seamlessly manage clinical rotations while reducing onboarding time and streamlining processes for the healthcare organization, its academic partners and for students.  

    Why Standardize Workflow?

    Many healthcare organizations are the result of mergers, acquisitions and affiliations and Hendricks explained that this can result in poorly defined compliance requirements and a lack of standardized processes. She went on to share that prior to implementing myClinicalExchange, they were using two different processes, 11 different forms, and every step in their process was manual. This left UW Health unable to track those students electronically. She went on to share that after their myClinicalExchange implementation, they were able to develop a standardized compliance process in cooperation with their partners and stakeholders.

    Robertson added that standardizing workflow allowed CommonSpirit MT Region to gain time which allowed them to spend that time on other aspects of the student journey. She also shared that students are comfortable with technology and myClinicalExchange helps to save them time as well.

    Minimizing the Number of Information Inquiries

    Minimizing the number of information inquiries, whether they be direct requests or requests made to unit managers, preceptors, or program chairs allows leaders to focus on the rotations that the organization is able to accommodate. CommonSpirit MT Region reported that reducing those inquiries made the process feel less chaotic as a result of a reduction in the number of emails and person-to-person communication.

    Hendricks shared that UW Health has documentation posted to their external website which makes it easy for preceptors to direct learners to the prescribed process for clinical rotations and really control where those learners are while providing balance so as not to stress providers. They are also able to direct learners to those areas where the workforce needs are or will be the greatest creating a pipeline of future clinicians.

    Simplify and Streamline Student Clinical Placement

    Simplifying and streamlining the student clinical placement process has benefits for healthcare organizations, their academic partners, and the students. One of the key benefits can be found in the reduction in onboarding time. myClinicalExchange allows healthcare organizations to see and better utilize clinical placement data to make better decisions for the organization which results in better care.

    Hendricks recalled the beginning of the pandemic and how difficult it was to know where each of the 1,000 learners were within their organization. Streamlining the onboarding process allowed UW Health to know where learners were within their system. Their university partners could see this information as well. myClinicalExchange also became a single source of truth and helped reduce risk by making it easier to report on aspects of their various affiliation agreements. In addition, Hendricks shared that the ability to customize myClinicalExchange has allowed clinical departments to use this solution in ways that work best for them.

    Robertson also shared that she appreciates being able to provide a common view for their partners making it clear what documentation and information is required. She also shared that it allows students to take more responsibility for their clinical journeys.

    Improved Reporting and Tracking Improves Efficiency and Reduces Costs

    myClinicalExchange is able to create substantial savings for its users. One big source of savings comes from a significant reduction in the time required to onboard students. The average time required to onboard a student using myClinicalExchange is just 1.5 hours which compares very favorably to the nationwide average of 4.5 hours. Typically, users see a 60-75% reduction in time which corresponds to a savings of $22,000.00 per year.

    Hendricks reported similar results for UW Health which eliminated a need to hire staff for additional administrative support and allowed them to invest those dollars into a program manager role that can further enhance the learner experience and develop preceptors.

    Robertson also shared that CommonSpirit MT Region appreciated the ease of reporting. She Is now able to pull reports without relying on labor-intensive manual processes. Those reports are also essential to tracking outcomes and other metrics that support the organization's initiatives.

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