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myClinicalExchange Empowers Logan Health to Transform Student Onboarding

Published: December 12th, 2023
Published: December 12th, 2023

HealthStream recently had the opportunity to host a webinar entitled myClinicalExchange Empowers Logan Health to Transform Student Onboarding. Moderated by Daniel Pawlus, HealthStream’s Senior Manager of Digital Events, the conversation featured:

  • Shanti Gangadharan, Associate Vice President, Product Management, HealthStream
  • Donivee Randall-Jones, DNP, RN, CEN, Director, Workforce Development, Logan Health

During the webinar, Randall-Jones shared how myClinicalExchange allowed Logan Health to transform their entire clinical rotation workflow, while reducing the overall costs and resources dedicated to the student onboarding process.


About Logan Health

Logan Health is a 590-bed health system in Montana with six hospitals and 68 provider clinics. Their service area includes the east and west side of the state, covers 20 counties, and includes 700,000 people. It supports 170 graduate-level students, 350 undergraduates, and their instructors each year.


myClinical Exchange – Take Control of Clinical Placement Management

Gangadharan began by introducing myClinicalExchange, a secure, online workflow application that seamlessly connects students, schools, and healthcare organizations while giving users real-time visibility into each student’s onboarding process. Streamlined clinical rotation management helps ensure that resources are available to students as they grow into full-time clinicians and provides resources throughout their entire clinical journey.  

Manual student onboarding processes, including email, phone, and fax communications, are time-consuming, overwhelming, and can lead to gaps in compliance. “Our ultimate goal is to bring everyone together to work in unison, transforming the student journey from one of chaos to control,” said Gangadharan.


The Risks of Manual Processes

Randall-Jones shared her observations of the pitfalls associated with a manual process, describing it as chaotic and inefficient. Inconsistencies between programs and schools meant that information was often misdirected and sent to the wrong person, fax machine, or email. Using unsecured communication methods also created the potential for students’ private information, including health records and social security numbers, to be inadvertently revealed. 

She noted that retrieving program metrics was nearly impossible. “Simply knowing how many students were on our campus was time-consuming, labor intensive, and potentially error prone,” said Randall-Jones. These risks eventually drove Randall-Jones and her teammates at Logan Health to evaluate systems to standardize and streamline the entire process. They needed a comprehensive solution to provide onboarding, scheduling, checklists, and compliance information, which led them to select myClinicalExchange.


myClinicalExchange – Seamless Implementation

Logan Health started onboarding myClinicalExchange as the pandemic was winding down so there was a natural sense of “change fatigue” for all parties. Randall-Jones and her team connected with each of their partner academic institutions early in the process to onboard them to the new solution, set expectations, and communicate the overall timeline. While some academic partners were hesitant to change, shifting to a more streamlined workflow allowed for more efficiency across the board. Additionally, Logan Health was able to easily access data that could help schools grow their programs.

Randall-Jones and her team scheduled meetings and training sessions with their academic partners and posted valuable information online for additional support during the implementation process. Beyond implementation, the Logan Health team continued to hold weekly meetings with academic partners to answer questions and ensure a successful launch.


myClinicalExchange - The Benefits

When asked to share some of the benefits of transitioning to myClinicalExchange, Randall-Jones readily shared what she described as “two big benefits.”

First, she cited the easily accessible data on their undergraduate programs. As healthcare leaders recognize that they need more undergraduate nurses to take care of increasingly medically complex patients, they are looking to their academic partners to grow their programs. Randall-Jones is now able to tell partners precisely how many slots are available versus how many the academic partners are actually using. That data can also be used by the system’s compliance team to know how many students are on the campus, where they are on any given day or time, and check compliance information.

The transition to myClinicalExchange less than a year ago has freed up a significant amount of time for Randall-Jones and her colleagues. They can focus on other important initiatives and have already been able to significantly grow their job shadowing program. 

myClinicalExchange empowers leaders to be more nimble at a moment’s notice. Academic partners re-assign a student or move them to a different area, while administrators can easily see what is available and provide the best match for a student’s clinical journey.

Gangadharan also highlighted that myClinicalExchange helps build a robust workforce pipeline by providing students with an efficient onboarding experience. Healthcare organizations give future clinicians a great first impression and are able to build stronger relationships with potential new employees.

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