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Student Rotations: Learning and Hiring Opportunities

Updated: April 15th, 2024
Published: April 11th, 2024
Updated: April 15th, 2024
Published: April 11th, 2024

Recently HealthStream shared results and insights from their first national survey of nursing and clinical students. The research measured respondent perceptions regarding their clinical rotations, interest in employment, and examined ways for hospitals to enhance their recruitment efforts among first-time nurses and clinicians. Results and conclusions from that research were recently shared during a HealthStream webinar. The webinar featured presenters:

  • Shanti Gangadharan, AVP, Product Management, HealthStream
  • Scott McQuigg, SVP, Digital and Network Development, HealthStream
  • Research contributors included:
  • Robin Rose, MBA, Healthcare Thought Leadership
  • Randy L. Carden EdD, Statistical Analysis


Survey Background

McQuigg began by sharing the survey background. This is likely the first ever national survey of this cohort which included student nurses and clinical students. The research objectives were focused on feedback about their clinical rotation experiences. myClinicalExchange, HealthStream’s secure online workflow application is the nation’s leading application used to connect students, academic institutions and healthcare organizations. myClinicalExchange enrolled 190,000 students into clinical rotations in 2023.

It was from that audience that HealthStream was able to recruit more than 5,100 respondents to complete the survey in December of 2023. 71% of the respondents were nursing students and 75% were graduating within the next 12 months. Respondents were beginning to develop their identities as nurses and clinicians and to develop interest in career opportunities.

As myClinicalExchange has created an efficient means of managing clinical rotations, healthcare leaders can now look to this same solution to help build a pipeline of nursing and other clinical talent. Gangadharan shared the key survey findings.


Missed Recruiting Opportunities

The survey identified some missed recruiting opportunities. 75% of respondents reported that they were not contacted by the organization at any time during or after their most recent rotation. Compounding those missed recruiting opportunities, the survey also found that 75% of the students report that they do not have jobs lined up after graduation which may indicate that they may be amenable to recruitment efforts. Gangadharan shared that additional qualitative research was done to amplify some of the survey results and that one-on-one interviews made it clear that students were open to being recruited. The qualitative research also found that some students are relying on peers for career information which may create additional recruitment pathways.


Students Are Likely to Respond Positively to Recruitment Efforts

A majority (61.5%) of respondents said that they would be interested in working at their rotation site. In addition, more than half (57.2%) of respondents indicated that they would be very likely to accept a job in the department where they did their last rotation 

Factor analysis allowed researchers to determine the factors that had the greatest impact on job interest. Respondents who rated staff willingness to provide useful learning experiences highly were more likely to have job interest. Perceptions about how welcoming staff were, how eager they were to support the student, how much they enjoyed the work environment and their likelihood to recommend an area or department were also impactful. 

Respondents were also asked which factors were important in selecting a rotation. Topping the list were learning objectives, clinical specialty, travel distance and the organization’s potential as a future employer.


Clinical Rotations Have a Meaningful Impact on Confidence and Competence

Respondents also reported a significant increase in confidence and competence as a result of their rotations which they attributed to exposure to medical concepts, the opportunity to provide hands-on care while building and applying clinical judgement. Fully 97% of respondents report that their confidence in their abilities has either strongly or somewhat increased.


Respondents Valued Their Rotation Experience

Not surprisingly, the majority of respondents (76.2%) would be very likely to recommend the department that hosted their most recent rotation. When asked about their likelihood to recommend their preceptor, the results were even more favorable with fully nine out ten respondents indicating that they would be very likely to recommend their preceptor.

Preceptors are providing an exceptional learning experience. When asked to rate criteria such as willingness to provide learning experiences, creating a welcoming environment, and their eagerness to support the student, students rated each very highly.


Research-Based Recommendations

Based on the research and discussions with leaders from hospitals and schools, McQuigg and Gangadharan shared some recommendations on how to translate these findings into strategy. They shared the following recommendations:

  • Create opportunities for students to connect with HR and recruitment teams at the beginning of each rotation.
  • Create regular opportunities to connect students with clinicians from different disciplines to broaden their clinical and organizational exposure.
  • Be mindful of the fact that you are trying to recruit digital natives. Include QR codes with links to career information in welcome kits, breakrooms, and other handouts to help students connect with both the organization and job opportunities.
  • Add opportunities to learn more about career guidance for students completing clinical evaluation processes.
  • Consider adding courses that will help students build leadership and job-seeking skills.
  • Ask students to rate employment interest when they are evaluating a site or rotation.
  • Recognize the great work of preceptors by supporting them with continuing education opportunities, and being mindful of their workloads.


Access the Report

You can watch the on-demand webinar here.


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