customer story

Transforming Provider Enrollment Processes with PhyMed HealthCare Group

Updated: September 22nd, 2023
Published: June 22nd, 2018
Updated: September 22nd, 2023
Published: June 22nd, 2018

About the Customer

PhyMed Healthcare Group is a physician-led and owned anesthesia services leader with a focus on redefining perioperative partnerships. 

phymed customer storyOverview

When Director of Revenue Cycle Michelle Vaughn reached out to Echo for a consultation, several problems were evident that were holding the company back from growth, including pushback against the system, reluctant providers, and poor provider enrollment practices.

Address Future Challenges_PKey Challenges

Reluctant Providers
Many providers were hesitant to provide copies of their social security card for enrollment processes simply because it wasn’t required at their previous place of employment. This created delays in getting providers enrolled, both of which led to increased write-offs and a loss of revenue opportunity.

Long processing times
Despite tremendous growth, a single individual is responsible for overseeing Vera’s credentialing and privileging processes – this person needed a way to automate functions beyond credentialing.

Resistance to Going Paperless
Information was put into EchoOneApp very minimally, and there was pushback against using enhancements that would help streamline the provider enrollment process. The software was being used more like a database, and the team was still populating applications and provider enrollment forms by hand.

Competency_YWhy PhyMed Trusts HealthStream to be their Source of Truth

PhyMed realized that they needed someone with experience in credentialing, provider enrollment, and EchoOneApp to review their use of the software, make recommendations on how they could better utilize the software, and create a process improvement and implementation plan to help them achieve those goals.

"We have had very few write-offs due to provider enrollment timing issues for the past 9 months, which we attribute to following the recommendations from our consulting engagement and HealthCheck with EchoOneApp."

Michelle Vaughn Director of Revenue Cycle PhyMed Healthcare Group

Competency_YWhy EchoOneApp Appeals to PhyMed

EchoOneApp’s library contains over 3,800 mapped payer forms that will automatically populate data from a provider’s or group’s record. Using these payer forms allows for the applications to pull information stored in the system, cutting out hours of populating forms by hand.

Improve_CAnticipated Financial Outcomes

Taking advantage of HealthStream's HealthCheck program; this program monitors the adoption, set-up and utilization of the EchoOneApp software against benchmarks and best practices to identify opportunities to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and return on investment. The HealthCheck process generates a tailored scorecard of assessment results for dozens of data elements, rates each evaluation metric and provides actionable recommendations. PhyMed discovered they were not using EchoOneApp to its full potential.

Improve_CHow EchoOneApp Increases Efficiency and ROI

Without a complete overhaul of their processes, PhyMed’s provider enrollment team would not have been able to keep up with the company’s drastic increase in providers over the past several years. Breaking out of a cycle of low system utilization, excessive write-offs, and inefficient processes, PhyMed’s provider enrollment team has made itself a valued and effective contributor to PhyMed’s advances as a company.

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