Content Manager Overview

The Content Manager allows you to manage and organize the contents of your organization’s Authoring Directory from within the HLC. You will create folders in your Authoring Center to organize your authored content. By default, your top-level folder is named Content. This folder cannot be renamed. You can add folders and sub-folders within the Content folder.

Note: Your Authoring Directory can also be managed outside the HLC through an FTP client. The Content Manager will reflect any changes made outside the HLC. See Connecting an HTML Authoring Tool to the Authoring Directory in this document for more information.

You can organize your Authoring Directory file structure as needed, as long as you follow these guidelines:

The Content Manager is laid out in a double-pane view similar to the view used in Windows Explorer. The left pane of the content manager displays only folders and sub-folders. To see the contents of any folder, select in within the left pane and all contents of that folder will display in the right pane.

Accessing Content Manager

There are three ways to access Content Manager:

Tour Content Manager

Click anywhere on the image below to see a description of that section.

Refreshing the Content Manager

Changes to the Content Manager may take a moment to display correctly as the HLC communicates with your Authoring Directory. If the Content Manager does not reflect changes correctly after copying files, making edits to pages, or renaming files, click the Refresh button to force the Content Manager to update.

Right-click within Content Manager

By clicking the right button on your mouse within Content Manager, you can access a contextual menu that includes options from the main tool bar and some additional options, including: