Creating a New Course Version

You may choose to create a new course version, or create a new course when you need to:

Consider the following when determining if course versioning or creating a new course is most appropriate:

Reporting on a course spans all course versions. If you need to report on a course version separately from the previous version or versions, create a new course. The system will view the new course as separate and distinct from other course versions.

When a course is versioned:

Course versioning does not affect assignments or exemptions.

When a course is published that has two or more versions, only the published version is the active version. The active version of the course is:

If it is important to allow students to be able to choose which version to complete, or for administrators to choose which version to assign, consider creating a new course instead of a new version.

Note: Read the following section, Un-enroll and Re-enroll Considerations. When the Un-enroll and Re-enroll Students from this Version of the Course check box on the Publish page is cleared, students currently enrolled in the course will remain enrolled in that version of the course, whereas new enrollments will belong to the new (active) version.

Reports include completions for all versions of the course, though versions are not itemized. If it is important to make that distinction, consider creating a new course instead of a new version.

Un-enroll and Re-enroll Considerations

If you choose to version a course, consider the implications of the un-enroll and re-enroll selection when the new version is published.

For administrators

If you select the Un-enroll and Re-enroll Students from this Version of the Course check box, administrators:

If you do not select the Un-enroll and Re-enroll Students from this Version of the Course check box, administrators:

For students

If you select the Un-enroll and Re-enroll Students from this Version of the Course check box, enrolled students who have not yet completed the course:


If you do not select the Un-enroll and Re-enroll Students from this Version of the Course check box, all students who have not yet completed the course:

Creating a New Course Version

To create a new course version

  1. Search for the course that you want to version. See Searching for a Course for details on conducting a course search. The Course Builder page appears.

  2. Click Manage Course Versions. A listing of all previous course versions appears.

  3. Click Create New to the right of the course version you wish to replicate. The Course Version Confirmation page appears.

  4. In the Notes text area, enter notes about the new course version.

  5. Click Confirm. The new course version is now in edit mode. You can add, delete and rearrange learning activities, as well as make any other desired changes.

  6. Publish the new course version. Consider the impact of your un-enroll and re-enroll selection. See Publishing a Course.