To edit group settings
From the question group page, click Edit Group Settings. The Question Group Settings page displays.
In the Name box, change the group name, if desired.
In the Description text area, add a description, if desired.
In the Questions from the Group to Include on Test box, enter the number of questions to include from the group or click Use All if you want to use all of the questions in the group.
Note: You do not have to use all questions in a group for each test. For example, you may create 10 questions within a question group, but designate that only 5 of the 10 are to be used. If you select the Shuffle questions when this assessment is rendered check box on the Assessment Settings page, then each time the test is delivered a different combination of 5 questions out of the available 10 will be asked. If one or more questions are marked Mandatory, those questions will be used every time the test is delivered.
Click Save.