Searching for a Student

To search for a student

On the People tab, click Manage Students. The Manage Students page appears.

Tip: Clicking the Recent Items icon displays a list of the ten most recently edited student records.

The Manage Students page is divided into two sections. The top half of the page enables searching active and/or inactive students by name or user ID. The bottom half of the page is made visible by clicking Advanced Search and is used to further define your student search.

Performing a Basic Search

To perform a basic search

  1. Enter the search criteria. You may search for students by last, first, and middle names, user ID(s), and status. There is no minimum number of characters you must enter into a search field. To narrow search results, simply enter more characters in a search field. You may also enter more than one user ID by separating each with a comma.

  2. Click Search. The page refreshes, displaying matching search results.

  3. Click the name link of the desired student.

Performing Advanced Search

To perform an advanced search

  1. Click Advanced Search to reveal the bottom half of the search page.

This section of the search page contains additional filters, which enable you to further refine your search. You can search for students within specific departments, job categories, job titles, and if available, custom filters. You can also search within specific date ranges.

This page defaults to allow you to search through all departments, job categories, and job titles, and all custom filters, if available. If you want to search for a specific department, for example, simply clear the All Departments check box and select the desired check boxes within the Department box.

  1. Click Search. The page refreshes, displaying matching search results.

  2. Click the name link of the desired student.