HealthStream offers solutions that help you achieve the five components of Magnet® accreditation. Improve the performance of your healthcare organization through a clearly outlined journey to success to achieving and maintaining this vital healthcare accreditation.
Knowledge is constantly being disproved and replaced, which demands a dedication to life-long learning.
How can healthcare workers deliver evidence-based practice in this novel, emerging situation? Likewise, healthcare facilities seeking Magnet® status can experience the tension of the paradox between evidence-based practice and innovation, new knowledge, and improvements.
Explore CE Unlimited, EBSCO’s Dynamic Health, and our award-winning Jane® solutions to support this component of your Magnet® journey.
The Magnet® structure and processes are designed to ensure the empirical outcomes. The empirical outcomes are transformational leadership, structural empowerment, exemplary professional practice, and new knowledge, innovation, and improvement.
There are no specified quantitative outcome requirements or established benchmark data to allow comparisons with best practices and identify needed changes. However, attempting to address the empirical quality outcomes globally with the same plan is not likely to address problems which differ among facilities. A “one size fits all” approach does not allow for customized improvement. Rather, each facility may invest resources to meet their unique needs.
Explore CE Unlimited, Preceptor Development, and Nurse Residency solutions to support this component of your Magnet® journey.
Transformational leaders develop and direct their employees to achieve organizational goals and desired outcomes. Evidence links employee satisfaction and retention with client safety and outcomes.
A quality work environment boosts the institution financially. As employees develop a voice to tell their story, they feel empowered when they see desired change happen, when their concerns are addressed, and when they are supported by a workplace culture that values client safety.
Explore Nurse Residency, Preceptor Development, our award-winning Jane® solutions to support this component of your Magnet® journey.
Exemplary professional practice is the positive pole of the magnet model. It includes how employees communicate and interact with clients, families, and the interdisciplinary team to provide quality care through best practices.
The exemplary employee inspires other with professionalism, interpersonal skills, and passion for the profession. In every situation, the exemplary professional treats others with respect and dignity. The exemplary professional continuously challenges themselves, by pursuing further formal education or professional certification and participating in shared-governance or professional organizations.
Explore CE Unlimited, EBSCO’s Dynamic Health, and our award-winning Jane® solutions to support this component of your Magnet® journey.
Google Dictionary defines transform as make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of. As a result, transformational leadership can be particularly valuable in the turbulent and uncertain healthcare environment. Transformational leadership is one of the four empirical quality results identified in the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Magnet® model. The empirical quality results focus on results (concrete data on the difference a Magnet® facility has made) rather than the process (what the Magnet® facility has done or how they may have done it).
Explore Preceptor Development, Nurse Residency, and our award-winning Jane® solutions to support this component of your Magnet® journey.
This ebook contains 5 chapters covering the 5 Model Components of the Magnet Recognition Program®:
HealthStream’s learning management system and healthcare training solutions support medical training initiatives and allow for the best patient care.
View All Learning & PerformanceExpand the decision-making skills and effectiveness of your healthcare workforce with HealthStream's workforce development programs and services.
View All Clinical DevelopmentComprehensive, industry-leading provider onboarding and credentialing software that validates health outcomes and supports provider assessment.
View All CredentialingMake sure your healthcare staff can schedule out appointments and work schedules with ease using our line of nurse scheduling software solutions.
View All SchedulingWhen you enact HealthStream's quality compliance solutions, you can do so with the confidence your healthcare organization will meet all standards of care.
View All Quality & ComplianceUtilize patient access solutions and advanced reimbursement solutions to manage clinical denials and improve your organization’s reimbursement strategy.
View All ReimbursementLearn about our advanced resuscitation training solutions. Our solutions are designed to help improve patient outcomes.
View All Resuscitation