The MOC Progress report provides information on students' progress in a selected Maintenance of Competency (MOC) curriculum. This report can be scheduled.
Ü To run the MOC Progress report:
1. From the Reports tab, click the MOC Progress link (under the Education Reports heading) to open the criteria selection page.
2. Select a report method option.
Selecting the Students Behind Schedule option will return students who have overdue learning items in the curriculum.
Selecting the Students Approaching the End of a Learning Schedule option will return students who are approaching the end of their current MOC curriculum schedule with incomplete courses.
3. Select the MOC curriculum for which you want to run the report.
3.1. Click the Search for MOC Curriculum link to open the Browse for an MOC Curriculum page.
3.2. Search for the curricula for which you want to run the report. You can search by keyword, by category, or alphabetically.
3.3. From the search results, select the check box next to the curricula that you want to include on the report.
3.4. Click the Select button to select the curricula and return to the criteria selection page.
4. Select students or student groups to include on the report.
If you want to include all active students, select the Report on All Active Students check box.
Click the Select a Student Group link to search for student groups.
Click the Search for Students link to search for students.
Student searches allow you to search for inactive students; however, inactive students cannot belong to a student group.
If you select specific students for the report and use the current report configuration for future scheduled reports, only those students selected in the original configuration will be included. To create a dynamic group of students for scheduled reports, you must create and select a profile student group.
5. Select a Sort By option.
6. Select a Sort Direction option.
7. If you selected the Students Approaching the End of a Learning Schedule report method option, you can specify a date range for the report, either by selecting a predefined range from a list, or by typing dates in the From and Through boxes. This defines the range in which the current assignment period ends.
8. Click the Continue button to run the report.