
The Future of Medical Services Professionals (MSPs)

This blog post addresses seven reasons the Medical Services Profession has changed and offers five predictions about the future for Medical Service Professionals (MSPs).

April 01, 2021


The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Emphasized the Need for Healthcare Cross-Training

As healthcare systems and providers across the United States began to prepare for the onslaught of COVID-19 earlier this year, there were many unknowns. This article explains how clinicians and other staff need training quickly to meet the challenge.

April 01, 2021


Five Survey Findings about Compliance Training in Healthcare (Part 1)

HealthStream recently surveyed U.S. healthcare leaders about their organizations’ compliance training solutions in order to better understand customers’ approach to complying with government regulations and accrediting body requirements and to gain insight into organizations’ compliance training needs.

April 01, 2021


Performance Measurement To Improve Patient Access Management

Learn why patient access managers and operations should be measured on KPIs to monitor quality, process, financial, and customer service, from HealthStream.

April 01, 2021


Validating the Jane Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments

This blog post describes HealthStream’s study to assess the validity of the Jane™ competency system’s AI critical thinking assessments as an evaluative tool in scoring responses of RNs in situations where critical judgment is required.

April 01, 2021


Are Organizations Ready for The Joint Commission’s New Standards for Perinatal Safety?

HealthStream surveyed nearly 150 leaders in nursing and healthcare education about the New CMS Perinatal Care Standards, to gain insight about whether they were ready for Joint Commission surveyors who’ll soon be looking for evidence of implementation and readiness.

April 01, 2021


Updated Information about COVID-19 for Healthcare Professionals

HealthStream has posted an updated version of our article, “2019 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic: What Healthcare Professionals Need to Know.” Learn more here and link to official information about testing, who is at greater risk, and protective measures everyone working in healthcare should take.

April 01, 2021


New Joint Commission Guidelines Target Poor Maternal Mortality Outcomes

January 1, 2021 is the new deadline for U.S. hospitals to adopt new Joint Commission safety standards for the improvement of maternal and perinatal care. This blog post excerpts our article about the standards and why they are necessary.

April 01, 2021


The Benefits of a Clinical Ladder Nursing Program

Read how the benefits of a clinical ladder nursing program focuses on advancing careers past novice to retain nurses while gaining higher salaries, from HealthStream.

April 01, 2021


Six Ways Healthcare Analytics Can Improve Patient Care

Healthcare analytics has the potential to improve healthcare in ways we are only beginning to realize. Here are some of them that are already becoming reality.

April 01, 2021


How To Improve Transitional Care Communication

Care transitions from hospital stays to home or other care facilities increase the risk of healthcare mishaps, serious issues, and even adverse events. Here are some ways to avoid potential miscommunication and the ill impacts it can have.

April 01, 2021


Effective Recognition Programs Have Unlimited Impact on Healthcare Employees

With monetary rewards, managers can be limited in how much and when they can acknowledge positive behavior. Taking an employee reward system away from a workforce due to lack of funds will have a more detrimental impact on the employee experience than not implementing one at all.

April 01, 2021


What Skills Are Best for Healthcare Case Management?

HealthStream examines what skills are best for healthcare case management from the moment of admission, throughout treatment, and up to discharge from a hospital.

April 01, 2021


What a New Nurse Can Expect in the First Month on the Job

A new nurse’s first month on the job can be exciting and perilous, so it’s important that they, and their new employer, take a deliberate approach to those crucial early days of onboarding.

April 01, 2021


The Care Continuum Is Bracing for Widespread Change Due to Demographics and Financial Pressure

The Care Continuum Is Bracing for Widespread Change Due to Demographics and Financial Pressure. This sector is expected to blur into one where all services can be provided, culminating in an environment that is patient-centric rather than care setting-specific.

April 01, 2021


Top 5 Leadership Strategies to Implement Change in Healthcare

COVID-19 has made healthcare transformation very important, and here are 5 leadership strategies CEOs have identified to implement transformational change in healthcare.

April 01, 2021


Exploring the Pros and Cons of Nurse Residency Programs

Nurse residency programs present both opportunities and challenges for new nurses, and so should be studied thoroughly to see if the program, and the provider, is the right fit. This blog post focuses on nurse residency program pros and cons.

April 01, 2021


Sample Questions for Nurse Peer-Interviews

A good peer interview nursing team will deploy a series of questions designed to learn about a candidate’s mental, emotional and physical state, helping them find the best fit for their unique situation.

April 01, 2021


Recognition Vs. Rewards: Why Effective Recognition Wins for Healthcare Employees

When employers use rewards to motivate, they are attaching performance to a tangible object. Effective recognition, on the other hand, has a psychological impact. It sends the message to employees that the behaviors they exhibit are in alignment with how the employer defines success.

April 01, 2021


Automated Nurse Cross-Training Needs to Be in Place Before the Next Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the need for healthcare organizations to have an automated solution that can quickly identify which of their nurses can most easily be cross-trained for roles that are sorely needed and then determine how much training was necessary.

April 01, 2021