
Falls Are a Rising Problem for Older Adults, Especially in Healthcare

Fatal falls among the elderly are on the rise in the United States, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are especially problematic in a healthcare setting.

April 9th, 2021


Planning Annual Required Training – A Healthcare Compliance Case Study

To illustrate the difficulty that a typical healthcare provider may encounter when planning annual required training, we offer the example of just one role in a single state—a respiratory therapist in Tennessee.

April 9th, 2021


What Are Conditions of Participation (CoPs)?

This blog post, an article excerpt, defines Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and why they were established, as well as why compliance with them is important.

April 9th, 2021


The difference between transactional and transformative learning in healthcare

At a time when healthcare is overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing healthcare learning to be transformative rather than transactional is more important than ever. The potential benefits are better outcomes, higher retention, and increased engagement.

April 8th, 2021


What the 21st Century Cures Act Deadline Means for Patients, Revenue Cycle, and Compliance

On April 5, 2021, the 21st Century Cures Act will take effect, allowing patients to use applications to access data from their medical records. This blog post discusses what that means for patients and healthcare providers, especially for staff in terms of revenue cycle and compliance functions.

April 8th, 2021


Modular Nursing – Optimizing RN Involvement in Patient Care and Management

Patient care units that are divided geographically into modules can improve patient perceptions of care, improve continuity of care and has the potential to boost employee accountability and satisfaction.

April 1st, 2021


Effective Communication Skills for Healthcare Professionals to Improve Readmissions

In today’s healthcare culture, the manner in which information is conveyed by clinicians is as important as the information itself. Here we discuss vital communication skills for reducing readmissions.

April 1st, 2021


Measuring Nurse Competency: What Is Clinical Knowledge in Nursing?

Clinical knowledge in nursing is a key element of measuring nurse competency and requires a comprehensive training, clinical internship, and continuing education program.

April 1st, 2021


Developing Critical Thinking Skills in New Clinicians

In this eBook, we look at the issues surrounding nurse competency and critical thinking. We also look at the role artificial intelligence is playing to support nurse development.

April 1st, 2021


How a D.C. Health Provider Attained Zero Serious Safety Events for OB

One of the largest healthcare providers in the D.C. area achieved zero OB serious safety events after implementing HealthStream's Quality OB program.

April 1st, 2021


Physical Rehabilitation vs. Restorative Healthcare

While very different, physical rehabilitation and restorative healthcare are complementary to one another. Restorative healthcare is essential to helping patients maintain the gains made through physical rehabilitation.

April 1st, 2021


Six Strategies for Quality Improvement in Maternal and Neonatal Care

National data on maternal death and injury make it clear that there is plenty of room for improvement. There are some tools and strategies that can help providers reduce risk and provide better outcomes for their patients.

April 1st, 2021


San Juan Regional Medical Center

San Juan Regional Medical Center experienced a reduction in CLABSI and CAUTI, two common healthcare-acquired infections, after implementing HealthStream's Jane®.

April 1st, 2021


University of Louisville Hospital

The University of Louisville (UofL) Hospital is an academic teaching and research hospital that is part of UofL Health, a fully integrated regional academic health system.

April 1st, 2021


Improve Maternal Mortality Rates Using POEP

POEP is a comprehensive orientation and educational tool that can help providers reduce risk and provide better outcomes for mothers and babies.

April 1st, 2021


Survive or Thrive? Where Long-Term Care Goes From Here

In this four article eBook, HealthStream takes a broad look at the various issues that long-term care organizations are facing. We present the results of a COVID-19 survey conducted among healthcare leaders, we review top issues that are changing the delivery of care, and what the future of long-term care will look like in a post-pandemic world.

April 1st, 2021


Key Strategies For Improving Patient Access Success in Healthcare

Healthcare reform has changed the role of Patient Access substantially, focusing revenue cycle leadership more on the expanding role and expertise of its Patient Access staff. This article focuses on how continuing education and KPI monitoring can make the patient access team more effective. Download the article to learn more.

April 1st, 2021


New Joint Commission Guidelines Target Poor Maternal Mortality Outcomes

Download this article to learn about the new Joint Commission safety standards for the improvement of maternal and perinatal care, and why it take so long for the US to understand the need for them.

April 1st, 2021


The Validity of the Jane Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments

The following article details psychometric studies conducted by HealthStream to evaluate whether computers can perform as well as human evaluators in assessing critical thinking skills in nurses.

April 1st, 2021


Top 5 Leadership Strategies to Implement Change in Healthcare

COVID-19 has made healthcare transformation very important, and here are 5 leadership strategies CEOs have identified to implement transformational change in healthcare.

April 1st, 2021

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